Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Something happened, something that changed me, I still ignore what it was.
 I just remember that was dark and light, cold and warm, hard and soft t the same time."
 The author is describing the sensation that the character felt after get kidnapped and druged.

"You know, at some point, you, uh, you might wanna consider sitting down with somebody. You know, have a little share time? Kick back. Get in touch with your inner child, that sorta thing. Also, just a thought, but you might wanna consider blinking once in a while."
The author is describing what the characer was thinking.

"...all I can possibly tell you is that when you stop breating you start living..."
The author is decrbing how the character wants to die. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Reading .7

The tone of the book is serious, considering the topic it's kind of obvious but the author tries to insert some funny jokes or hilarious expressions to make it enjoyable and I do like it. What makes real stories my favourite kind of book is this, nothing is totally bad or totally good, writing about actual facts makes the perfect mix between sad and happy moments. With that metaphore the author meant not only to give the message that Matt and Marcus weren't safe, he really meant to break the intense atmosphere of the situation. That's somewhat that if you re making up a story, you wouldn't write, but that's real life, and that's why I love this book.

Matt: Are we dead?
Marcus: Negative.
Matt: We're good right?
Marcus: *Fuck* yeah. We're solid. 
Matt: We're safe right?
Marcus: Of course, like a *niger* in a ku klux klan meeting!