Friday, January 23, 2015


I timed myself last time I read and i figured out that it takes me 25 minutes to read and understand 15 pages.
Last time I read was on the porch of my house in the rocking chair, inside was too loud and I can't read if someone is making noise next to me. Moreover I love the sound of the wind, it's relaxing and addictive. Outside was cold, the sky was grey like every other winter day in Michigan but I still had an amazing view of my backyard, a little lake and the forest in the very back. As soon as I started reading my mind started unconsciously started picturing everything and I felt myself totally into the book, like if I was next to the characters while everything was happening. The book I chose it's definitely for me, I've already watched the movie that was made a couple of years ago about this book and I really appreciated it.

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