Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Something happened, something that changed me, I still ignore what it was.
 I just remember that was dark and light, cold and warm, hard and soft t the same time."
 The author is describing the sensation that the character felt after get kidnapped and druged.

"You know, at some point, you, uh, you might wanna consider sitting down with somebody. You know, have a little share time? Kick back. Get in touch with your inner child, that sorta thing. Also, just a thought, but you might wanna consider blinking once in a while."
The author is describing what the characer was thinking.

"...all I can possibly tell you is that when you stop breating you start living..."
The author is decrbing how the character wants to die. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Reading .7

The tone of the book is serious, considering the topic it's kind of obvious but the author tries to insert some funny jokes or hilarious expressions to make it enjoyable and I do like it. What makes real stories my favourite kind of book is this, nothing is totally bad or totally good, writing about actual facts makes the perfect mix between sad and happy moments. With that metaphore the author meant not only to give the message that Matt and Marcus weren't safe, he really meant to break the intense atmosphere of the situation. That's somewhat that if you re making up a story, you wouldn't write, but that's real life, and that's why I love this book.

Matt: Are we dead?
Marcus: Negative.
Matt: We're good right?
Marcus: *Fuck* yeah. We're solid. 
Matt: We're safe right?
Marcus: Of course, like a *niger* in a ku klux klan meeting!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading .5

The book I'm reading it' been fantastic so far. I'm not a person who loves reading, I prefer hang out with friends or if I'm alone play videogames. But this book, this book it's very interesting to me. When I start reading it, I never want to quit, because it's addicting. The way the author writes leaves suspance in the reader, the numerous flashbacks help you not to get bored. The very beginning of the book deals with being a seal, the huge effort he had to make to become one of the best militars in the world. That was probably the slowest part of the book, which it's followed by a super dynamic part full of unbelievable experiences. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reading .4

The most important word of the book I'm reading I think is "we". He always uses it, it has a strong meaning. The seals risk their lives each day, they know that, they're not scared by that, and one of the reasons is because they fight as a group. The author believes that the life is'not unlimited, it ends, but if there's a thing that can make your life being remembered that's how you live your life. He said already twice in the book: "we chose not to die as men, we chose to live forever as heroes". I think that this sentence is the most important and deepest I've read so far. The more I read the book, the more I understand what it deals with; the war is not the main topic, it's more like the background of the book, because the real theme is the life. I can tell that right now, after a couple hundred of pages, the book more than be a war story is a reflection about life. Reading this book I'm understanding what being American means, this sense of belonging to a nation, this sense of fighting for your nation is somewhat of totally new for me. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading .3

The book I'm reading is written in 1st person, which one of the reasons why I like it so much. A book written in first person has a total addictive effect on me, because I feel that what I'm writing its directly told me by the author, like in a confession. The sentences are often complicated because the author spends a lot of words describing the environment around him before everything else. Each detail is rich of vivid and refined adjectives, and sometimes reading it gets boring. The author uses that kind of slow narration to break the action, to stop talking about the main topic and create suspance in the reader. In particular in the last pages I've read I found completely interesting the sentence that Matt, the protagonist and the writer of the book, said to a taliban figher while he was running after him: "You know, you can die for your country, but I decided to live for mine." 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Reading .2

The book I'm reading is very interesting, the fact that I've already seen the movie helps me with connections and flashbacks. I want to add that the first 60 pages reminded me the music video and the lyrics of the song "This is war" , made by "30 seconds to mars", because the books talks about wars and because the song perfectly describes the atmosphere that the book makes me feel.. The main character of the book, who's also the writer, is such a unique person that I can't find nothing even close to him, his courage and patriotism are incomparable with every other U.S. SEAL. The fact the book deals with actual events makes it even better, moreover the view of a soldier it's a brand new view for me, because of course I've heard about Bin Laden and U.S. Army missions in Afghanistan but always from TV or Radio and never from somebody who was there. The protagonist is obviously the character I would like to be, his bravery, his passion and his toughness are virtues that I envy.

Friday, January 23, 2015


I timed myself last time I read and i figured out that it takes me 25 minutes to read and understand 15 pages.
Last time I read was on the porch of my house in the rocking chair, inside was too loud and I can't read if someone is making noise next to me. Moreover I love the sound of the wind, it's relaxing and addictive. Outside was cold, the sky was grey like every other winter day in Michigan but I still had an amazing view of my backyard, a little lake and the forest in the very back. As soon as I started reading my mind started unconsciously started picturing everything and I felt myself totally into the book, like if I was next to the characters while everything was happening. The book I chose it's definitely for me, I've already watched the movie that was made a couple of years ago about this book and I really appreciated it.